From Ippc2008
;; Authors: Sylvie Thiébaux and Iain Little
;; Story: You are stuck on a roof because the ladder you climbed up on
;; fell down. There are plenty of people around; if you call out for
;; help someone will certaintly lift the ladder up again. Or you can
;; try the climb down without it. You aren't a very good climber
;; though, so there is a 50-50 chance that you will fall and break
;; your neck if you go it alone. What do you do?
(define (domain climber)
(:requirements :typing :strips :probabilistic-effects)
(:predicates (on-roof) (on-ground)
(ladder-raised) (ladder-on-ground) (alive))
(:action climb-without-ladder :parameters ()
:precondition (and (on-roof) (alive))
:effect (and (not (on-roof))
(probabilistic 0.4 (not (alive)))))
(:action climb-with-ladder :parameters ()
:precondition (and (on-roof) (alive) (ladder-raised))
:effect (and (not (on-roof)) (on-ground)))
(:action call-for-help :parameters ()
:precondition (and (on-roof) (alive) (ladder-on-ground))
:effect (and (not (ladder-on-ground))
(define (problem climber-problem)
(:domain climber)
(:init (on-roof) (alive) (ladder-on-ground))
(:goal (and (on-ground) (alive))))