The international planning competition is a biennial event organized in the context of the International Conference on Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), which has several goals, including analyzing and advancing the state-of-the-art in automated planning systems; providing new data sets to be used by the research community as benchmarks for evaluating different approaches to automated planning; emphasizing new research issues in planning; promoting the acceptance and applicability of planning technology.
The sixth international planning competition, IPC-2008 for short, has been organized in the context of ICAPS-08. IPC-2008 and its organization is split into three parts: the deterministic part, that considers fully deterministic and observable planning (previously also called "classical" planning), the uncertainty part that considers non-deterministic and probabilistic actions in fully observable, partially observable or unobservable domains and the new planning with learning part, where planners exploit domain dependent knowledge that has been automatically extracted during an offline training period.
General information
Examples for different competition tracks
- Evaluation schema
Important dates
- December 31 '07: Language definition
- January 31 '08: Evaluation schema
- February 29 '08: Registration deadline
- March 15 '08: Demo problems, supporting tools (syntax checker, plan validator)
- May 15 '08: Deadline for the papers describing the competing planners
- May 31 '08: Final versions of the planners submitted to the organizers
- June-August '08: Collection and evaluation of the results
- September '08: Announcement of the results and winners at ICAPS'08
Malte Helmert, University of Freiburg, Germany
Minh Do, Palo Alto Research Center, USA
Ioannis Refanidis, University of Macedonia, Greece
Previous competitions
IJCAI: sponsors "jury" awards and the Learning & Planning part
IBM Research: sponsors the sequential optimization track
ATRiCS: sponsors the temporal satisficing track
Adventium Labs: sponsors the sequential satisficing track
SICK: sponsors the net-benefit optimization track