IPC-2008, Deterministic Part: News
03-Dec-2007: The Call for Participation has been published.
20-Dec-2007: The Registration Form is now available, and registration for the competition has opened. The form also links to short descriptions of the six competition tracks and the PDDL features that need to be supported.
04-Jan-2008: We have set up an IPC-2008 mailing list for communication between organizers, potential participants, and all other interested parties.
11-Jan-2008: We have set up a page that contains some PDDL resources (papers on PDDL's grammar, semantics, design rationale, evolution, etc.) and a (preliminary) page that describes the extensions to PDDL for IPC-2008.
18-Jan-2008: We added the JAIR 20 commentary papers on PDDL 2.1 and Bäckström and Nebel's SAS+ complexity paper to the PDDL resources page.
09-Feb-2008: Added description of the evaluation mode for the optimization tracks and of the evaluation mode for the satisficing tracks.
- 12-Feb-2008: Added derived predicates to the list of optional features for all competition tracks where they did not previously appear.
03-Mar-2008: Fixed some of the example domains on the PDDL extension page.
04-Mar-2008: Added a page with an overview of the competition rules, including aspects like subdivisions into tracks, evaluation criteria, blind evaluation, and source code submission.
- 25-Mar-2008: Deadline for submission of final planner extended to May 31st, 2008.
- 27-Apr-2008: Deadline for papers on the planners extended to May 15th, 2008.
26-May-2008: Added detailed submission instructions. Please note that the May 31st planner submission deadline is strict!
22-Jan-2009: Added planner source code and planner papers for the participating systems.
22-Jan-2009: Added ICAPS 2008 presentation slides and posters summarizing the outcome of the competition.
11-Mar-2009: Updated planner page with download links for the baseline planners and some general cleanup.
11-Mar-2009: Added acknowledgements page for the many people who contributed to the organization of IPC-2008.
11-Mar-2009: The "<foobar> optimal" tracks have been renamed to "<foobar> optimization" tracks, which makes more sense grammatically.
11-Mar-2009: Added complete raw competition results to the home page.
- 11-Mar-2009: IPC-2008 is now globally referred to as such. (references to "IPC-6" or "IPC6" have been amended.)
11-Mar-2009: Added information on the IPC-2008 domains, which are now available for download.
20-Oct-2010: Added more data to the competition results page, including detailed competition results in an easily parsable text format.
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